Kelsey loves how fans of any given sports franchise can meet for the first time and instantly bond over their team. That kind of community and sense of shared stakes brings out the best in Kelsey. She thrives as part of a team–specifically as CTC’s right hand since she joined in 2015. It’s important to Kelsey to be dependable on the day to day details so her co-workers can focus on the bigger picture.
She keeps track of the endless details with a big color-coded calendar as well as spreadsheets upon spreadsheets. If you check in with Kelsey on a slow day, she’ll probably be working on her favorite ongoing project—organizing folders in the most intuitive possible way so answers are easy to find–with or without her involvement. Kelsey believes the best companies have more than just good products and solid services. They also have teammates that set each other up to play their parts and be successful.
Kelsey was born in South Dakota but as a young child moved across the border with her family to Nebraska. After growing up in Nebraska and attending Wayne State College, Kelsey returned to her South Dakotan roots taking her love of following Husker Volleyball with her. Outside of work, you’ll find her on the volleyball court where she plays competitively 2-3 nights a week. While she is still the first to pet other people’s dogs, she is decidedly a cat person and enjoys coming home to three of them.